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Please help us update the details of self managed shared ownership narrowboats

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Keeping the details of self managed boats up to date is difficult because we only get information when shares are offered on one of the monitored sites. With around half of all shared ownership narrowboats being self-managed, that leaves a big hole in the data.

So if you know anything about any of these boats it would be great to hear from you. We would particularly like to know where they are currently moored - and, of course, whether they are still shared ownership boats.

If you click on a boat name in this list, you will open a response form with the details we currently have already entered. Just enter any new or different information and submit the form. Providing you include your email address, you will automatically get an email acknowledgement showing the amended details.

Any boat details you provide may be shared with Philip Duerden, whose (unrelated) site also carries a list of shared ownership boats.

Boat layouts are shown as, for example, < SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)

This represents, starting from the bow on the left:
SSaloon-Saloon, DDinette-Dinette, GGalley-Galley, BBathroom-Bathroom, ZBedroom-Bedroom,
EEn suite-En suite, zPull out bed-Pull out bed, NEngine room-Engine room, CBoatman's cabin-Boatman's cabin,

A reminder of what each block represents is shown when the cursor is held over the block

If the engine is known to have been replaced, the type of engine currently installed is shown with the date of the replacement.

This list is exclusively self-managed boats. For a full list of shared ownership boats including those managed on behalf of the owner syndicates, click here

Last database update on Saturday, 15th February 2025

Click column headings to sort table. Click your boat's name to send us an update

Name Len Stern Layout Shares Berths Bkg Engine Repl Loos Mgmt Launch Web Base
Andante60S/Trad< SSaloon EEn suite ZBedroom BBathroom DDinette GGalley)106listNanni Diesel 4020062SELF2003Yes
Arthur66Trad< ZBedroom BBathroom SSaloon GGalley EEn suite NEngine room CBoatman's Cabin)126Gardne2008SELF1997YesVentnor
Aylestone58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListNanni 2.22SELF2006Gt Haywood
Brock60Trad< SSaloon GGalley DDinette BBathroom CBoatman's Cabin NEngine room)66ListLister/Petter2SELF1991Lyme View
Brunel57Trad< JJoint Saloon/Dinette GGalley ZBedroom BBathroom NEngine room CBoatman's Cabin)45informalBeta JD31SELF2003Market Drayton
Buccaneer62S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom EEn suite ZBedroom)12.56DrawNanni2SELF2002Caen Hill
Bulwark55Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom NEngine room)55Ad hocKingfisher1SELF1996Unknown
Celtic Kiwi58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)126Fixed wksCanaline 3820141SELF2003Springwood
Centurion62S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom EEn suite ZBedroom)12.56DrawNanni2SELF2003Gt Haywood
Cheddington58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListBeta 4320142SELF2000Dunchurch
Chisbury58Cruiser< ZBedroom EEn suite BBathroom GGalley DDinette SSaloon)126ListCanaline Kioti 1.82SELF2002Calcutt
City Slicker65S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley ZBedroom BBathroom ZBedroom)46InformalBeta 43SSELF1999Harefield
Conqueror62S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom EEn suite ZBedroom)12.56DrawNanni2SELF2002Dunchurch
Cookley58Cruiser< ZBedroom EEn suite BBathroom GGalley DDinette SSaloon)96ListBeta 4320212SELF2003Gt Haywood
Copperkins IISELF1989Streethay
Dasque54Trad< JJoint Saloon/Dinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom ZBedroom EEn suite)96BMC 1.8SELF1986Unknown
Debdale58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListNanni 2.22SELF2006Gayton
Double Six60S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley ZBedroom BBathroom ZBedroom)126Shire 401SELF2006Gailey
Dragonfly58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)206Fixed weeksBarrus Shire20191SELF2002YesKings Orchard
Ellen58S/trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)186Fixed weeksVetus 351SELF2006Dunchurch
Empire62S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom EEn suite ZBedroom)126ListNanni 42 hp2SELF2005Gt Haywood
Emscote58Cruiser< ZBedroom EEn suite BBathroom GGalley DDinette SSaloon)106ListBMC 1.82SELF2000Gt Haywood
Explorer62S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom EEn suite ZBedroom)86DrawNanni2SELF2004Gt Haywood
Freedom61Trad< JJoint Saloon/Dinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom NEngine room)115DrawThorneycroft20081SELF1987YesHawne Basin
Goosemoor58S/Trad< SSaloon EEn suite ZBedroom BBathroom GGalley DDinette)106ListNanni 2.22SELF2005Scarisbrick
Grainne Mhaol43Cruiser< SSaloon BBathroom ZBedroom DDinette GGalley)108Ad hocBMC 1.51SELF1988Oxford Canal
Great EscapeSELFUnknown
Grosvenor58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)126ListBeta 4520112SELF2002Dunchurch
Hatherton58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)116ListBeta 4320182SELF2004Overwater
Haversham58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListBMC 1.82SELF2000Gt Haywood
Hawksmoor58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListBeta 432SELF2005Gt Haywood
Hollinhurst58S/Trad126ListBMC 1.82SELF2005Barton Turns
Inglewood58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)106ListNanni 50hp20102SELF2002Wigrams Turn
Issabella Grace60Cruiser66ListShire 45hp2SELF2007Unknown
Jamaica Farewell57Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)124DrawIsuzu 35SELF2006Unknown
Jemima D37Trad< BBathroom GGalley JJoint Saloon/Dinette)124informalLister SR21SELF1975YesLeek Branch
Kiewa58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)106Fixed wksBeta1SELF2005Streethay
Kindred Spirit57Trad< SSaloon GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom zPull out bed)4Ad hocBeta 43hp1SELF2002Sowerby Bridge
Kingsley60S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)124ListNanni N4.432SELF2009Overwater
Kinver58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListBeta 4320132SELF2003Alvechurch
Liverbird40Cruiser< SSaloon GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)4PrivateIsuzu 45SELF1990Unknown
Longsdon58S/Trad< SSaloon EEn suite ZBedroom BBathroom DDinette GGalley)126ListNanni HD2SELF2009Gt Haywood
Madge46S/Trad< SSaloon GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)124Rotating fixed wksBeta 3820191SELF2000Gt Haywd Anglo Welsh
Mandarin65S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley ZBedroom BBathroom ZBedroom)116Ad hocIsuzu 4220061SELF1993Aston
Marbury59S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListNanni 4.432SELF2007Gt Haywood
Maximus60S/Trad< SSaloon GGalley ZBedroom BBathroom ZBedroom)126Fixed wks plusShire 20002017SELF2000Hilperton
Meridian58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)206Fixed weeksBeta 3320171SELF2002Nantwich
Middlewood58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)104ListNanni2SELF2010Overwater
Oasis Too58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)124ListBarrus Shire20131SELF1998YesBarton Turns
Odyssey70Trad< BBathroom SSaloon DDinette GGalley ZBedroom NEngine room BBathroom ZBedroom)128ListNanni 2.22SELF1995YesGt Haywood
Omega45Cruiser< ZBedroom BBathroom GGalley SSaloon)104ListCanaline20192SELF1993YesWigrams Turn
Orchid52Cruiser< ZBedroom BBathroom GGalley SSaloon)124ListBMC 1.820121SELF2001Droitwich
Padworth58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListBeta 4320132SELF2003Overwater
Pendeford58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListBeta 4320232SELF2003Aqueduct
Pendlebury58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)46ListBeta 4320142SELF2004Armada
Phoenix No 162S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)37Ad hocYanmarSELF2001Calcutt
Pineapple42S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)74ElectronicShire1SELF2001Unknown
Pond Life57S/Trad< ZBedroom BBathroom GGalley DDinette)54InformalBMC 1.8SELF1992Heyford Fields
Pride of YorkSELFYesUnknown
Quince45Cruiser< ZBedroom BBathroom GGalley DDinette)156Ad hocBeta 352018SELF1999Cont Cruis'g
Rivendell58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)6Fixed weeksVetus 33hp1SELF2004Mercia
Ryebank58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)126ListNanni 2.22SELF2007Unknown
Sandalwood58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListNanni 1.920122SELF1997Calcutt
Sandpiper58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListBarrus Shire 4020112SELF1996Calcutt
Sapphire58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)106ListNanni 2.220062SELF1993Wigrams Turn
Sceptre58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)106ListCanalline 4220142SELF1994Overwater
Scherzo47Cruiser< ZBedroom BBathroom GGalley SSaloon)124ListNanni 1.52SELF1995Heritage
Schipperke58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley ZBedroom BBathroom ZBedroom)68sequentialNanni N4.40SELF1994Kings Bromley
Scruffy Fox50S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom CBoatman's Cabin)115InformalMermaid MP32720131SELF1990YesUnknown
Shropshire Blue57S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)126ListIsuzu2010SELF2002Gt Haywood
Silkwood58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)116ListBMC 1.820072SELF1998N Kilworth
Solace.58S/Trad< JJoint Saloon/Dinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom ZBedroom EEn suite)127ListNanni 1.520172SELF1993Gt Haywood
Solong57S/Trad< SSaloon BBathroom ZBedroom BBathroom DDinette GGalley)126ListBeta 4320182SELF1997Dunchurch
Somerton58S/Trad< SSaloon ZBedroom BBathroom EEn suite DDinette GGalley)126ListBeta 4320132SELF2001Hill Farm
Soudley59S/Trad< SSaloon EEn suite ZBedroom BBathroom GGalley SSaloon)86ListNanni 2.22SELF2005Overwater
Soulbury58S/Trad< SSaloon EEn suite ZBedroom BBathroom DDinette GGalley)106ListBeta20162SELF1997Aqueduct
Sovereign58S/Trad< SSaloon EEn suite ZBedroom BBathroom DDinette GGalley)126ListBMC 1.82SELF1995Chirk
Steelaway58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListNanni 2.220062SELF1996Gt Haywood
Stella47Cruiser< ZBedroom BBathroom GGalley SSaloon)104ListBeta 3820151SELF1994Gt Haywood
Still Dreaming58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)106ListBeta 4320122SELF1998Droitwich
Stolen Time58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListBMC 1.82SELF1998Barton Turns
Strait and Narrow58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)206FixedBeta2018SELF2004Heritage
Streamline58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)126ListBeta 4320152SELF1999Dunchurch
Sunseeker58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)56ListBMC 1.820072SELF1996Gt Haywood
Swallowtail58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)64ListCanaline 4220152SELF2004Gt Haywood
Tess55Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom NEngine room)66InformalNanni Diesel1SELF1992Calcutt
The Teal58S/Trad< SSaloon GGalley DDinette BBathroom ZBedroom)126Ad hocCanaline2017SELF1998Wigrams Turn
Tottleworth58S/Trad< SSaloon EEn suite ZBedroom BBathroom DDinette GGalley)126ListBeta 4320102SELF2004Alvechurch
Venture50Cruiser< JJoint Saloon/Dinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)64InformalBeta1SELF2002Aston
Verity60S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)126DrawBeta 4320141SELF2002Ventnor
Victorious60S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)12.56DrawNanni1SELF2000Swanley Bridge
Vulcan60S/Trad12.56DrawNanni 40hp1SELF2000YesAqueduct
Warwick62Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley ZBedroom BBathroom ZBedroom NEngine room)128DrawNanni1SELF1993Swanley Bridge
Whiston58S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom EEn suite)125ListNanni2SELF2009Hill Farm
Zenith52S/Trad< SSaloon DDinette GGalley BBathroom ZBedroom)84RotaBeta 19031SELF2001Swanley Bridge
Zidon 255Trad< SSaloon GGalley DDinette BBathroom ZBedroom NEngine room)86ListThorneycroft2010SELF1991Mancetter

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If you have any information that you think could be included on this site, please let Andrew know. You may know of another base that welcomes shared ownership boats, have experience of a boat handling trainer or have a picture that might make a good page heading.